Why does everything in politics have to come down to politics? Why does everything in life have to come down to politics? Why must we all divide ourselves by our differences?
It doesn't matter what you or I believe, we should always work towards the greater good. This is not accomplished by debate; it's accomplished by action. And, sacrifices must be made on both sides. Politics don't matter; we must do what works. We cannot get something for nothing. Do not hold grudges. Life is too short. Why must we put up barriers. Break down these manmade walls. Tear down the blockades of our hearts and minds. Burn them to the ground.
Right now, here and now we are reaching inwards instead of reaching outward. We need to decided to coexist. It needs to be a conscious decision. It doesn't matter whether we are white, black, Hispanic, Catholic, Protestant, or agnostic.
Why do we kill each other because of the color of our skin? Why do we discriminate because of our sexual preferences or political affiliation? Why are we so divided.
Mankind has so much potential. The stars are literally the limit. Why do we fight with each other over such petty differences? We are all the same inside. We love. We fear. We cry and suffer. We hunger and thirst. We are all equal. No one has the right to tell another how to act or live. No one has the right to control another. No one is justified in hurting another. No one under any circumstance should be subject to the whims of another. Governments should not have control over people. People should have control over governments. Politicians have no power over us. They are not above us. We are all equal. We are all human.
Capitalism is based on the greed of others. It works because greed is easy. There is no doubt that it is successful. But it is based on inequality. It's foundation is in the promotion of self by stepping on others. This may just well be the downfall of society, if ever we get that far. Capitalism depends on the ability of people to manipulate the feelings and beliefs of others.
Freedoms are all well and good to talk about when it isn't easier to ignore them. It is when it is easier to forego these freedoms that the real test of a society's clout comes about. When will we learn. Fear is not a blank check. It is not a weapon for personal gain. It is not moral; it is evil, deceitful, and yes sinful. Lying is by definition wrong. Fear is being used as a tool today to help those in power profit from a situation that should never have come up at all. Those who don't believe me will say of course that we were in danger. Too bad fear hit you hardest. You can't honestly believe that we are safer today than we were five and a half years ago. Can you? Wait, of course you can. Politics in all its grandeur. When will we learn.
Politics it is said comes from the root "poly" meaning many and "ticks" meaning blood-sucking creatures. Whoever it was that said that hit the nail right on the head. Too bad there isn't one for lawyers too. Help should be free. The rich should not have a better opportunity for justice than the poor.
All I can hope for is that we all put our differences aside. I did. I don't judge people. I don't hate people. (I do however hate ideas and philosophies, just not people.) To me everyone is completely equal bar none. I look past the color of one's skin or the style of one's dress to the inner person, who I know, far more times than not, is really genuinely a good, kind, just individual. Maybe they're a little confused, but hey we all are sometimes.
I don't judge. I always give the benefit of the doubt. What's mine is yours; if I can help I'd be glad to do it. Everyone is equal in my mind. My friend's friend is my friend. My beliefs and yours aside, I believe that we are all the same. Can you honestly say the same thing? If not, why?
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