Thursday, March 2, 2006

Can You Be That Stupid?

Here's one. No child left behind. Bullshit. No child led ahead is more like it. This past year to go to UMass Amherst I paid out of pocket (not counting loans) 4,200 cash. Next year because of President Bush's education policy I will have to pay 9,650 in cash (not including what loans I might get). In fact, it'll be 10,650 if he gets rid of the Perkins Loan as he's planning to do to fund his war on terrorism.

Well guess what. HE created the war on terror; HE is the cause of terror. HE is the reason that Iraq is about to enter into a civil war, Afghanistan is in revolt, oil prices are skyrocketing, the economy is bust, the dollar is losing ground to the British Pound, and the reason that China and India are surpassing us in every way (except for human rights, naturally). But what good is human, worker's rights if there are no jobs in this nation? What use is a job when even with it you don't make enough money to pay off your debt? What use is a President who claims to be protecting America when in actuality he is bankrupting it and throwing the burden of debt onto our children.

More than 80% of the terrorists that attacked on 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia. Yet we have not invaded them, even though they do harbor and fund "terrorist activities". If it were our intent to hunt down terrorist funding countries to freeze their assets then we would have attacked the Saudi's first. But that's not what HE wanted. HE wanted something else, an ally to set against OPEC. That's what we have in Kuwait, and now that's what HE thinks we can get in Iraq and Afghanistan. Think about it. Iraq and Afghanistan were countries with limited military power. Neither were well supported by other nations in the area. Why not attack Iran; Iran's dictator is trying to (PUBLICLY) gain nuclear capacity. There's no doubt about this; they've SAID it. They are trying to get weapons of mass destruction! It's not a joke, there is no punch line, they are a threat to everyone. Iraq was not. Afghanistan was not. We attacked them however because HE thought that we could control them like we control the Israelis.

HE was wrong. They are on the brink of civil war. There will be a civil war. There is nothing we can do to stop it. We couldn't even put down a minority insurgency in either country! Never mind trying to adjucate a religious war between three separate groups AND an insurgency trying to push us out. We don't have enough manpower in the Middle East now! When war breaks out we will have no chance of stopping it. Furthermore, all that we have worked for in Iraq and Afghanistan, creating a government, fixing oil refineries, water plants, electric plants, all of it costing this country almost 500 billion dollars will be all for waste! The interim government will crumble and they will plunge into civil war.

What did we lose? Our economy, education, freedoms, privacy, jobs! All of the above, and MORE! George W. Bush has bankrupted this country to profit big business, oil and Haliburton. He took our money and used it to fund a war that did nothing but make us less safe, jobless, and more poor. Because of George W. Bush, I have to come up with $10,650 next term. I have to. He doesn't have to. In three years he'll retire on his nice presidential pension and forget about the rest of us who have to rely on financial aid, who have to pay off $35,000 worth of debt or more, who have lost their jobs to a nine year old girl in China because it was cheaper to send manufacturing overseas.

We're on a losing a losing war and there's nothing we can do about it for three more years. All I can ask is when are the poor people of this country going to realize that it is the president that they voted for that caused them to lose their jobs, pensions, freedoms, education, and privacy. It is THEIR vote that made it this way. Let's make a vow in 2008, a vow to vote for the party that's sole aim is to HELP people not feed off the work of others. Republicans get rich off us, they get rich off our war, off outsourcing our jobs! For Christ's Sake in 2008, no matter who runs or whether they like football or baseball, whether they came from the north or the south, vote for the person that is looking out for YOU and YOU ALONE, for all of our sakes, VOTE DEMOCRAT.

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