Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sad But True

Yesterday Congress passed a measure (52-48) increasing the national debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars.

Today's national debt (12:00A.M. 3-22-06)= $8,351,430,529,038.72

Population est. of U.S. (12:00A.M. 3-22-06)= 298,350,612

That equals a $27,992.00 debt per person in this country as of this morning.

Also, the debt rises $2,430,000,000 a day.

That's an extra $8.14 per person tomorrow on top of today's total. That's $57.00 this week per person. That's $252.48 this month per person. And an increase in debt of $2972.84 per person this year. For a family of five that's: $40.72 tomorrow, $285.07 this week, $1262.44 this month, $14864.22 this year.

Now call me cinical, but damn, that's too rich for my blood.


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