So I've been in a funk for most of this year so far -- bitch / rant warning -- and I have no idea why but let's take a look at a few possibilities.
Reason number 1: John McCain
This country must be really, and I can't stress enough, really stupid if the race is still as close as it "appears" to be. Need I threaten to move to Canada again? Does anyone else realize, and apparently not, that he has NO PLAN. None. He's just going to fix this and that. But he doesn't have a plan to do so. You just have to trust him. Sound familiar? Sounds like the last 8 years to me. Think about this when you go to vote on the 4th (or before): The next president will likely be replacing three liberal judges on the Supreme Court. IF we don't elect Obama, we could be feeling the effects of a Bush presidency for twenty to thirty YEARS! We as a nation are almost bankrupt after 8 years of this blind so-called leadership. But, I'll tell you want. IF McShame is elected, you get what you deserve.
Reason number 2: Polling
All of the major networks now are showing Barack Obama winning the election based on their polls. Why then do they keep citing how tight these polls are showing the race? An eight point lead is an eight point lead is an eight point lead. The media is out to show anything that even seems close, and feigning that anything that is getting closer. Now we're talking about Arizona and North Dakota as well as Missouri and the tightening in Ohio (by 1 point might I add) and Florida which is at least 8 points into Obama territory. My my, they'll do anything for ratings. Leads me to wonder how much one has to be winning by for them to start saying that they are winning. 25%? 30%?
Reason number 3: Don'cha Know?
If I see Sarah Failin' McPalin one more time, I swear I'm going to start burning her in effigy. Do you know who she reminds me of? Mom from Futurama. Enough said.
Reason number 4: Me
So guess what I did for Halloween. Laundry. Yup, I washed my laundry. Fun times huh. Well, with all the shit that I have to do: Work two jobs and technically a third but for college credit, finish my BA, shower, eat, and sleep, there's very little time left for me to be merry right now. Hell at this point all I'm looking for is a good night's sleep. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently so.
Reason number 5: Snow
I saw snowflakes on the 28th. That's the 28th of OCTOBER for those keeping track. And for those of us who don't live in the tundra (and spend $150,000 on winter clothes), I for one am pissed. But I know what the cause is. Confusion. Winter is confused. Each year Christmas season begins earlier and earlier and it's got Winter confused in his old age. For fuck's sake the leaves aren't even off the trees left, up until yesterday Halloween hasn't even happened yet, and Thanksgiving is almost a month away still, and we're still already seeing Christmas stuff coming out! No wonder Old Man Winter is coming early! (Oh and remember, don't vote for his brother John McInsane on Tuesday. We need a president capable of abstract thought.)
And finally... Reason number 6: Socialism et. al.
Let me remind everyone that socialism, Marxism, communism, Cuban socialism, Venezuelan socialism, and socialized medicine are all VASTLY different ideas and NONE of them are interchangeable and most importantly NONE of them describes Barack Obama or John McCain. This nation can't decide that women have equal rights yet never mind something so terribly abstract as total equality in a variety of areas. Communism and Capitalism both suffer from the same problems in practice... lack of regulation. Either Big Business decides the rules or gov't decides the rules. What we really need is a system of checks and balances between the two so that both systems serve the people of this nation and the people of the world. Checks and balances... where have I heard that before? Hmm...
That's all for now...
Reason number 1: John McCain
This country must be really, and I can't stress enough, really stupid if the race is still as close as it "appears" to be. Need I threaten to move to Canada again? Does anyone else realize, and apparently not, that he has NO PLAN. None. He's just going to fix this and that. But he doesn't have a plan to do so. You just have to trust him. Sound familiar? Sounds like the last 8 years to me. Think about this when you go to vote on the 4th (or before): The next president will likely be replacing three liberal judges on the Supreme Court. IF we don't elect Obama, we could be feeling the effects of a Bush presidency for twenty to thirty YEARS! We as a nation are almost bankrupt after 8 years of this blind so-called leadership. But, I'll tell you want. IF McShame is elected, you get what you deserve.
Reason number 2: Polling
All of the major networks now are showing Barack Obama winning the election based on their polls. Why then do they keep citing how tight these polls are showing the race? An eight point lead is an eight point lead is an eight point lead. The media is out to show anything that even seems close, and feigning that anything that is getting closer. Now we're talking about Arizona and North Dakota as well as Missouri and the tightening in Ohio (by 1 point might I add) and Florida which is at least 8 points into Obama territory. My my, they'll do anything for ratings. Leads me to wonder how much one has to be winning by for them to start saying that they are winning. 25%? 30%?
Reason number 3: Don'cha Know?
If I see Sarah Failin' McPalin one more time, I swear I'm going to start burning her in effigy. Do you know who she reminds me of? Mom from Futurama. Enough said.
So guess what I did for Halloween. Laundry. Yup, I washed my laundry. Fun times huh. Well, with all the shit that I have to do: Work two jobs and technically a third but for college credit, finish my BA, shower, eat, and sleep, there's very little time left for me to be merry right now. Hell at this point all I'm looking for is a good night's sleep. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently so.
Reason number 5: Snow
I saw snowflakes on the 28th. That's the 28th of OCTOBER for those keeping track. And for those of us who don't live in the tundra (and spend $150,000 on winter clothes), I for one am pissed. But I know what the cause is. Confusion. Winter is confused. Each year Christmas season begins earlier and earlier and it's got Winter confused in his old age. For fuck's sake the leaves aren't even off the trees left, up until yesterday Halloween hasn't even happened yet, and Thanksgiving is almost a month away still, and we're still already seeing Christmas stuff coming out! No wonder Old Man Winter is coming early! (Oh and remember, don't vote for his brother John McInsane on Tuesday. We need a president capable of abstract thought.)
And finally... Reason number 6: Socialism et. al.
Let me remind everyone that socialism, Marxism, communism, Cuban socialism, Venezuelan socialism, and socialized medicine are all VASTLY different ideas and NONE of them are interchangeable and most importantly NONE of them describes Barack Obama or John McCain. This nation can't decide that women have equal rights yet never mind something so terribly abstract as total equality in a variety of areas. Communism and Capitalism both suffer from the same problems in practice... lack of regulation. Either Big Business decides the rules or gov't decides the rules. What we really need is a system of checks and balances between the two so that both systems serve the people of this nation and the people of the world. Checks and balances... where have I heard that before? Hmm...
That's all for now...
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