Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The 44th President of the United States of America

For these last 22 months we've gone back and forth trying to elect a competent person to the presidency and now it is all done. Thank heavens. What a race!

While the numbers aren't all tallied yet, it is clear. We have a new president. I have called the election officially at 8:24pm as NBC calls PA for Obama. In the immortal words of the immortal Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- which will be no doubt recited ad nauseum in the coming days and weeks by pundits and laymen alike --

Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty, we're FREE AT LAST!

Allow me, with no undue pleasure, to introduce you to the 44th President of the United States:

Barack Obama.

Yes We DID,

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