Friday, June 16, 2006


What's so wrong with us? We all want to live prosperous lives. Why do we continue to rob our brothers and sisters of their livelihood to temporarily better our own? What comes around goes around. If you do it then others will do it, maybe to you. Then you'll need to do it more or better than everyone else and society then drops into chaos. What is wrong with us. Are we so nearsighted that we cannot see the results of our actions. Or is it that we choose to live for the moment and not for the future. That has to be it, just look at our debt in this country.

Apparently nowadays if you're not in debt then you're not living up to your financial potential, and more so you're not patriotic. You're not supporting your country's amassed debt (a debt because they only saw through the lens showing the sum of all our nearsightedness). Debt makes the rich richer and you poorer. You are increasing the gap here, not Congress, not rich assholes, not inflation, tax fraud, or selective donating. It's you now. You are draining this country of its wealth every time you add to your credit card debt.

It's time we all grow up a bit and realize that to succeed in this world we MUST live within our means. We MUST not define our self-worth on the number of cars we have or the computer power at our disposal. We MUST not look to our neighbors with envy. LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS.

If right now there was no debt in the United States we would all have more money. Why? Because if the national debt was ended people would return to the dollar and inflation would reverse. And like it or not economists, we need deflation. Things have become too expensive today, it's true. And I'm not just talking about gas. You name it and I'll prove that it's more expensive now than before the "War on Terrorism" began before we reamassed a large national debt, personages of importance turning to the Euro instead of the dollar because it was more stable.

We need to firm up fiscal security. And we need to do it today. I say to you if you don't know where you next paycheck is going to come from, if you don't know how you are going to feed your children, if you have any debt whatsoever, including a mortgage, including car payments, including college loans: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE UNTIL IT IS PAID OFF. And don't just pay the minimum. Pay as much as you can each month. And don't stop until it's paid off. Don't buy lottery tickets, go to the movies, out to dinner, wasting gas, or electricity, or oil, or hot water. Don't have cable or internet access. Do not buy movies or music. Do not buy anything that isn't necessary. Buy food. Do not buy clothes unless the ones you have fall off your back. Trends don't matter. You are in debt because of your reckless spending habits. Do not continue them. Finish them now while you're still young so that you can start to save up for your children and for retirement. You can do it. We all can.

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