Monday, February 13, 2006

My Authoritarian Quotient

(Corporate Quotient + Government Control Quotient + Government-Corporation Partnership Bonus + Religion bonus)/[(People + 0.5%)^(Number of Executives / Total Population) * Proximity] = Authoritarian Quotient

Where the Corporate Quotient (a) = total workforce (b) / number of executives (c)

and the Government Control Quotient (d) = Republican Sum (e) / (Democrat Sum (f) - Independent Sum (g) )

where the Republican Sum (e) = total number of republicans in Congress (h) + 10 for a republican president (i) + 5 for each conservative judge (j) + 15 bonus for holding a majority in Congress (k) + 5 bonus for holding a majority in the SJC (m)

where the Democrat Sum (f) = total number of democrats in Congress (n) + 10 for a democrat president (o) + 5 for each liberal judge (p) + 15 bonus for holding a majority in Congress (q) + 5 bonus for holding a majority in the SJC (r)

where the Independent Sum (s) = the number of Independents in Congress (and if so the SJC and the presidency) (t) + the percent of votes received by an Independent in the last presidential election (u).

and where the Government-Corporation quotient (v) = the Republican Sum (e) - the number of monopolies broken up in the last presidential term (w)

and the Religion Bonus (x) = (number of people practicing a religion (y) / total adult population of the United States) (z) + 1/10th of the Republican Sum

and People (!)= the population of the United States at the last census (@) + 0.5% to the power of the number of executives (c) / the total adult population (z)

and Proximity (#) = the average population density of the country ($)

That is to say:

Authoritarian Quotient = (a+d+v+x) / (!#)


Authoritarian Quotient = {(b/c)+(h+10i+5j+15k+5m)/[(n+10o+5p+15q+5r)-(t+u)]+h+10i+5j+15k+5m-w+[y/z+1/10(h+10i+5j+15k+5m)]}/[@ + 0.5@^(c/z) * $]


The larger this number is the more authoritarian this country is. The greater the fraction the more libertarian this country is. 1+ is Authoritarian. 0-0.5 is Libertarian. 0.5-1 is middle of the road. Try it sometime, logically it should work. Let's see if in real life it does. I'll give it a shot when I've got time.

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