Friday, January 20, 2006

Ten Things I Would Do to Make America Better

10. Get rid of political correctness. Arguing about language is just petty. How can we expect to solve the big problems if we cannot even agree on the words to describe them.

9. Minimize the trade deficit by levying a heavy tax on imports from China and India. This will also reverse outsourcing and bring industrial jobs back to this country.

8. Pay off the national debt. There's no reason in the present state of society for us to be in debt to Chinese investors. If they were to pull out funds all at once at this point, our nation would go bankrupt.

7. Stop interfering with Microsoft. Technology is one of the few fields that we are capable of leading the world in within the next decade. Don't inhibit companies from making advances with frivolous lawsuits.

6. Repeal the Bush tax cuts and pave the God damned roads. Afterwards, use the money to fund public education.

5. Have democrats retool the No Child Left Behind Act. Let's be serious here, Republicans' priorities don't include the education of our children. It's best for the children to let the liberal institution that is education be governed by liberal standards. It would make everything much easier.

4. Abortion has been set as precedent in the United States Supreme Judicial Court. It has been upheld 32 times. Get over it. If you don't want an abortion don't get one, but stop telling other women what they can and can't do with their bodies.

3. End the war in Iraq. Here's an idea: split the nation into three separate countries and move out. If one of them decides at a later date to "harbor terrorists" then bomb the hell out of them alone and not the other two.

2. Make reparations with countries that we have pissed off. You know, they're people too. We have no right to claim to be better than them. Say you're sorry, mean it, put it in writing, and get the hell out of international affairs. At this critical time in our country's development we cannot afford to be fighting a war on poverty at home and a verbal battle with other countries. In addition, in making reparations, other countries may be more apt to support anti-terrorism legislation coming out of this country.

1. Eliminate the Protection of Marriage Act and Capital Punishment. Our country needs to stand united in its efforts to proliferate peace worldwide. We must first begin on the home front. The United States is years behind the rest of the western world in these areas and it's time we catch up. Without the support of the western world, like it or not, we will not succeed as a nation and certainly not as a super power.


Cut up every credit card in the United States. Pass a law restricting the use of credit cards on purchases of more than the amount of cash one will make in a given year based on the previous year's tax statement. Raise the minimum payment to 20% of the greatest amount of the debt. Eventually, we must switch from credit cards over to debit cards. In addition, we must restrict credit card companies from giving cards to people with a history of debt or bankruptcies. In draining our pockets paying interest on our debts, we slow the economy far slower than any tax refunds can repay. This goes the same for the national debt. We are bleeding ourselves dry paying interest.

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