It is both the most agreed upon and disputed idea that mankind has ever formulated.
What is God? Who is God? Why is God? Where is God? When is God?
God is a deity. His is a personage of everyone and everything possible. God is because we are. God is everywhere. God is there always.
Unfortunately, each answer I could come up with (being both unbiased and unassuming) accumulated nothing at all by existing. Each answer is vague and indiscriminate. Because God is what we are. Everyone sees God as something slightly (or extremely) different than everyone else. I cannot describe God any clearer without entering into my own beliefs, without becoming controversial. God is after all the most disputed idea that we have. It is different to each one of us and no one of us is willing to hold as their own an "average" view of what God is, a collection of similarities that we all share in common about God. This is why there are religious wars. We always find some fault with others' view of what God is, even though God is just that, God, to each of us.
That said, I aim in my subsequent pieces to be controversial, to find fault with others' views, to wage a religious war on all religious wars, and hopefully in the process help to discover for myself just exactly what God is to me. In doing so, I hope to impart on anyone who listens a sense of self, that in reading my words, you'll dispute me, you'll get angry, you'll get to thinking. Maybe then we'll be able to understand those three letters: G-O-D.
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