Sunday, November 27, 2005


Well, we're on our way to lawfully discriminate against a sect of our society here in Massachusetts. As of last weekend, it was announced that "they" now have 120,000+ signatures (twice as many as "they" needed) to put a constitutional amendment onto the ballot defining marriage as between "one man and one woman". Where did these votes come from? Conservative Christians, of course, the signature sheets were sent around parishes for much of the last year. What a separation of church and state we have. Better yet, isn't it just special that the Catholic Church has decided that it has a role to play in government affairs. Because those who don't sign the petition will go to hell of course.

Three words: Crock of shit.

They argue that homosexuality is unnatural, that it is a sin, that there is a sanctity to marriage. Yet, no one's god has come down from on high and proclaimed that the sexual urges of one tenth of the population (extrapolated to 400-500 million people worldwide) is a sin. Furthermore, more than 1\2 of all marriages now end in "non-Christian" divorces. Apparently birth control is wrong too. Jesus Christ, when will we all see that maybe, just maybe they're wrong. If you were them, at the apex of the most lucrative business venture in the history of the world, wouldn't you try anything to remain in charge.

At it's roots, Christianity was, and is, a spectacular and mind-blowing idea. Love thy brother; treat others the way you want to be treated; thou shalt not kill... and so on. When did it become a money-sucking, mind-bending, heathenistic corporation. Or to put it another way, what happened in the Bible when Jesus found people treating the temple like a marketplace... bad pun but all hell broke loose. Now I ask you, the Church pays no taxes, is free of state regulations, why then does it need to bring in billions, and I'd bet trillions of dollars worldwide every year? Where does all of this money go? Golden idols? Hush-hush payoffs? God?

All I'm saying is that government should be kept separate from the Church. Furthermore, I hope when Voting Day comes around that everyone votes with their minds and not their "hearts". Democracy was built on majority rule, yet it has survived because of the majority's ability to accept the harmless wishes of the minority. In short, who are we to let "the Vatican bulldog" write discrimination into our state's constitution? I think that I've made myself clear.


FlyFreeForever said...

I should respect the opinions of others? The beliefs of the Catholic Church are immoral. They go against their own teachings. Love thy neighbor, treat others the way you'd like to be treated. How would you like it if in some crazy mixed up world that hertosexual relations that you and I are so fond of were seen as wrong and opposite sex marriage was outlawed because it spread VD's? What if that happened?

And I know it won't happen. But, it does point out exactly how every non-hertosexual couple now feels about conservative christians outdated beliefs.

FlyFreeForever said...

Once more, I think you've completely missed what I was trying to say. Likewise, I did not say that other people's opinions aren't valid, unless of course they hurt others as these do. I do not tell people what to think and I do not desire them to think the way I do. If that happened I wouldn't have a purpose to exist. And, generalizations of "all liberals" (or any other large group) are rarely accurate. This is no exception.

I never asked to leave this country, though it might not be a bad idea, though if I did you'd just think it was because I hated this nation. Reality check, I do not hate the notions that this nation was founded on, I do not hate our populace. I hate people who think that they have the right to tell others that they are not equal to themselves. That is what I hate, nothing more. Everyone is equal, no exceptions. The sooner these people figure this out the better for all of us.

FlyFreeForever said...

But I digress, thank-you for responding, feel free to respond to anything I say on any of my articles I won't take it personally. Remember I'm just a liberal, so try and use small words.

Yours in text,