Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Necessities for a Stable 21st Century Society

Let's face it, there are a couple of areas in our lives today, individually and the human race as a whole, that need some work.

First, minimum wage: This coincides with workers rights and in the long run will benefit businesses. After all, a worker who cannot afford to buy the product he/she makes, is wasteful in a business sense. If all people are able to buy what they are paid to make, then business will become much more stable and poverty will drop. Poverty, likewise, will be combated with a minimum wage, as well as human trafficking, and illegal immigration to name a few.

Create a clear and concise world-participative document that details the inalienable rights of all of mankind and the punishments for people (including world leaders) who discard these rules.

relegate cigarette smoking to designated non-public places preferably with good ventilation. Best case senario: restrict smoking to outdoors and only on property which one owns and not within twenty feet of a child. Smoking in confined places especially with other people present should present fines and counseling. The more inconvenient it becomes the easier it will be to get them to quit.

Make drunk driving a "one-strike and you're out" crime. Make it VERY clear what the punishment will be if one drinks and drives, even if no one is hurt. Don't sell alcohol at sporting events, or at any gathering where one has to drive afterwards.

Create a mass public transportation system akin to highways, but consisting of high-effiancy subway lines. Keep everything underground and tear up old highways. Use this new open land for farming or in less desirable terrain, for housing. For anything that is not usable, plant trees and be done with it.

Eliminate our dependency on fossil fuels through a combination of nuclear, wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, hydrogen, and biomass power. As such, pass sanctions against businesses who refuse to follow in suit.

Make a rape sentence a life sentence. Make a molestation sentence a life sentence. Make it CLEAR what will happen to people who sexually assault other people.

Federally subsidize all public schools and healthcare, allowing local installations (states, cities, etc.) have the final word on where money is spent. This money comes from tax dollars. Create incentives for states and local authorities when they save money.

Limit the amount of money an executive can be paid to 25-35 times that of the lowest paid worker. All other money goes to the profit margin and benefits stock holders.

Create a uniform set of laws for like crimes, so that no matter what state one is in, they are punished equally.

Remove ethnic divisions from census and other public forms.

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. No exceptions. People must be a profitable member of society as best as they can be. In return they should be able to expect an education, healthcare, and elderly care.

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