Friday, October 9, 2015

REVISED: Space-Time, Black Holes, and the Solution of the Grand Unified Theory

Modern science takes space and time as one unit... space-time.  This accounts for the affects seen under general relativity and readily observed throughout the universe.  The problem exists however that general relativity breaks down under extreme conditions, that is over the event horizon of a black hole.  I contend that this is the case because we are incorrectly defining what we are seeing.


The intense gravity of a black hole exacerbates what I believe to be the differences between space and time, which ordinarily work functionally well together.  Space and time are most linked at low speeds.  They are so closely linked that we cannot truthfully tell them apart.  However, as the relative speed of two objects diverges, time literally slows for the faster moving object.  Likewise, this is true as gravity lessens.  We see this everyday as the clocks on computers in orbit run slightly slower than those on the ground.  The same would run true looking at the classic scenario of moving a space ship to near the speed of light and having it later return to Earth--the tenants of the ship would have aged slightly, yet the people on Earth would have aged considerably more.

We mark time as the passing of something from one point or phase to another, such as the second hand moving on a clock.  But this is not the "time" that I'm speaking of, well at least not in it's most basic form.  The clock moves because of a ridiculously large number of "base particle" interactions.  (By base particle I mean that which cannot be broken down further than it is.)  That is how any action takes place, from atoms fusing to me typing and you reading this page.  All of these actions move because of the interaction on this level between the base particles and the change caused when they interact. We quantify time differently because it is the only way that we experience it in our own lives.  Our experiences color how we perceive things.  In the case of time, it's quite different on the quantum level than on the human-sized existence we live.


Let's take a look at black holes now.  In black holes we have a large quantity of matter.  We also have a large amount of gravity.  This is accepted.  But, let me change for a moment exactly what a black hole is.  It is NOT a singular central point.  Well, it may be projected as that in our three dimensional universe.  But it isn't actually.  A black hole is simply a center of gravity around which matter is racing at the speed of light.

A black hole is a gravity well so strong that light cannot escape it.  When a star collapses or when matter falls into a black hole, it circles it until it hits the event horizon (the point at which light can no longer escape the system) and at that point general relativity no longer can tell you what is happening to the matter. 

I can.

At the center of a black hole, matter continues to circle at the speed of light.  As mass enters the black hole, it isn't a perfect system, and can lose some of that energy back into space.  The area just before the event horizon glows (in relation to absolute darkness).  Further out it may glow in lower spectrum radiation, but the closer to the black hole, the higher energy the radiation needs to be to escape (the rest falls in).  As you get closer and closer to the center of mass, less and less is able to escape.  The speed of the mass rotating around the center of gravity is also nearing the speed of light.  At the event horizon, the rotation of the matter around the center of gravity does hit the speed of light.

The large amount of gravity ensures that total entropy is hit at the center of the black hole.  Quite literally nothing exists there that has any spacial dimensions.  Matter has been broken down into it's smallest form.  Matter is defeated by time because gravity overcomes it's counterbalance under these conditions and the base particles can no longer build into complex matter.

Looking at the event horizon from outside, we see a frozen image.  This is because from our point of view gravity's counterbalancing force is actually winning, just in the same way two trains could be moving in the same direction parallel to each other but the one at the slightly slower speed seems to be moving backwards.  To us, time has won and entropy was defeated on the event horizon.  From inside the black hole, the opposite appears to be true.  Entropy won completely and the universe ages to its end before our eyes (if seeing such things were actually possible from the event horizon, which of course they're not).

The fact is that both views are accurate.

From outside the black hole, from that perspective we use general relativity and the rules set out to work in our universe as we know it.  From inside the black hole, the counterbalancing set of rules apply.  But these rules are only ways to describe what is happening.  In reality both things are happening from certain points of view.

I would also contend that if two black holes were to merge and you were beyond the event horizon on the smaller black hole as it fell into the other larger one, you would appear to freeze in time at the larger one's event horizon.  And vice versa.  The person viewing from the larger black hole then you would see much the same as the person who sits on the event horizon and turns around to see the universe age and entropy.

The fact is that the grand unified theory is simply that the entire universe is simply perspective.  Quantum mechanics and general relativity both occur at all times; depending on your point of view they occur at varying degrees of accuracy.  This is a function of gravity and it's counterbalancing force.


As a bonus, the Big Bang...

In a three dimensional universe:

You know the story of the Big Bang as an explosion from a singularity into the entire universe... expanding and cooling and whatnot.

In a two dimensional universe:

Picture the surface of a body of water that stretches out as far as you can see in all directions and that you know is spherical (such as the Earth).  It is completely calm and has no defined depth because it is just a surface, there is no below the surface.  There are no variations in the water at all.  It is completely uniform.  Now poke the water.  Watch the ripples cascade out from your impact.  Instead of dissipating however, once an action takes place the ripples don't settle down.  The combined energy of your impact with the surface of the water is perfectly transferred every time it impacts on another area of the water.

This impact would have been how the beginning of the universe would have looked in a two dimensional universe.  It was only uniformity.  There was no way to divide it into pieces of any kind prior to the Big Bang.  There was quite literally nothing there but uniformity.  The existence of anything is predetermined by its difference from everything and/or anything else.  If everything is the same then nothing exists.  For example, if everyone has always been dead then no one is ever alive or if everyone is always happy then there is no such thing as sadness.  This is the the only way to describe the universe prior to the Big Bang

In a one dimensional universe:

Everything there could ever be is on a line.  It expands out at both ends like extruding spaghetti.


Bonus #2:  The Creation of the Universe and Time

Time is not yet apparent at the point of the Big Bang regardless of the number of dimensions it is experienced through, and therefore no creation is needed.  Until the universe "is" existing, in terms of time, it never was.  There was no creation as it always existed so long as time did.  Our concepts of time and infinity here create an equation with no solution.  The limit of the universe deviates from zero as time runs from its inception forward.

In reality, the Big Bang, or the creation of our universe occurred in a place with zero dimensions.  It both happened and didn't happen at the same time and both are correct interpretations of the event.  
This event (which you can't really call an event because it both happened and never happened) is the extrapolation of a zero dimensional event onto a dimension that includes three dimensions and time as a factor.

Remember though that what occurred at the event we call the Big Bang is different based on how many dimensions you are looking at it through.  As an example look at differentiation and integration in calculus... When you move from one level to another you can gain or lose data.  The differences in how we perceive the universe are the "+c" of the equation run in one direction and the discarded polynomial run in the other.  It both matters and doesn't matter, is an exact quantity and a general one, depending only on from which point you started looking at it.  The same is true of the universe.  Everything quite literally exists and doesn't exist, based on perspective.

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