Thursday, January 8, 2009

17 More Days...

Can't say that I've done too much this vacation so far, but I'm surviving so far. I've had a lot of time to think and that doesn't particularly bode well. Usually when I start to think it means I start to get a little sad. Things never quite turn out the way you want them to. Things never quite work out. Just in general. There's always something that we can criticize about ourselves if we can think hard enough. It's probably key to human survival -- the urge to constantly get better and progress further in whatever interests us. I don't know. Maybe it'll be our downfall too. At least on an individual level I'm sure that happens. Specially, maybe.

Oh well, enough rambling. I hate Joe the Plumber. If I see him on TV again I will take up voodoo just simply to poke him with pitchforks and hatpins. Of course, I'd have to get the J the P doll and the Bill-O doll to "share a room". It would only be poetic I think. But I digress, making fun of fundies -- satisfying as it may be -- is still inappropriate in this fashion. An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. I wouldn't want them to shout some sexual epithet at me, so I won't make jokes about them. Tom Cruise on the other hand... well, never mind. Curse my empathy.

(Is it redundant for one to hate their own empathy? Is it even possible? Hmm...?)

Regardless, or irregardless (if flammable can have two negative prefixes certainly regardless can have one) of my current predicament, which is frustrating to say the least, I do hope someone is enjoying their break. The way I see it, if I get all the bad ones out of the way now, it's nothing but sunshine and daisies thereafter. Hey, one can hope right.

Let's see what else... Oh, the porn industry wants a bailout. A heavenly slice of Americana. Seriously. The porn industry truly does epitomize the American condition. Say one thing do another. Russia invades Georgia (the country :P) and we are angry. We invade Iraq and Afghanistan and whine when everyone else doesn't get on the bandwagon. This nation's highest birthrate among teenagers is currently in Mississippi. Abstinence only? More like a good way to get pregnant. (See there's a perk about being gay!) Apparently those who don't know about condoms or how to use them are more likely to have unprotected sex. Go figure. Ahh... the American double standard. That's where the porn industry comes in. Abstinence, Focus on the Family, pro-family, anti-gay, anti-porn America. Of course, the porn industry still exists. We just hide it away in the back rooms of video rental stores and back alleys behind shopping centers. We are ashamed of them, ashamed that we're human and have the urges that we all do have. We have to hide them and cover them up. We're supposed to be pure and chaste like the Church wants. Bull crap. Give them a damn bailout. Besides the fact that it makes this bailout process a huge joke (a bigger joke?), it provides relief to a sect of Americans who are so repressed that they won't allow comprehensive sex education to be taught in public schools, so embarrassed about their own feelings that they sequester porn to darkened rooms with the shades drawn and the volume turned down real low and they feel so bad about themselves afterwards. I was Catholic people, I KNOW what I'm talking about! In this nation of corrupt, Rethug nitwits, we need a relief valve, and for them what better than the porn industry? Nothing. If at least it keeps them from seeking sex from public bathrooms and making the GLBQ community the butt of every late night comedian's jokes then it would be worth it. And besides... I like it too!


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