John McCain proves time and time again that he is nothing but doublespeak and that he will do and say anything to win the presidency as if he stresses the winning over the presiding and fixing this nation. He seems to have such a powerful desire to become president but carried on his campaign's back are a bunch of empty promises and strawman arguments. He's going to be for smaller government but expand the power of the federal government. He's going to be for Reaganomics when it's deregulation is what caused this economic crisis in the first place. He claims to be against porkbarrel spending and the bailout for Wall St., but voted for it which contained pork spending. He claims he will break the grip of the special interest lobby groups in Washington, but he has hired many of them for the top seats in his own campaign.
Likewise, he injects fear into the hearts of Americans. He brings up the spectre of our doom, of what will happen if he is not elected. He tries to claim that Obama is foreign and scary and that he (McSame) should be voted for at all costs. Finally in this second speech today he tells the crowd that they need to "stand up!" "Stand up and fight!". Sort of sounds like Kucinich's "wake up America" speech at the DNC. I see that they're truly out of ideas. They don't have a plan. They just steal catch pharses from others and parse them into their own straw man arguments and empty promises. Simply put, for the McCane camp, the numbers just don't add up. When it comes to John McCain, it still remains true, he's just more of the same.
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