It's been a while since I've just sat down and wrote, without some sort of plan, and came up with something. That's how I started and getting back to one's roots is always important from time to time. SO here goes...
Hillary Clinton is done for and she knows it. But, she'll go down swinging... mud slinging I mean. So much for her past decrying of Republican fear-mongering. Now she's doing it with her 3AM call campaign bull crap. If you elect Obama what will happen if a 3AM phone call comes in?? What will happen?? Clearly a secretary would answer the phone, that the White House switchboard would direct the call away from the Lincoln bedroom. Clearly. Or am I off base?
Then we have good ole Ralph Nader. The man who regardless of his views, couldn't pick a worse time to do anything than if he had been a starting a fire in a waistcoat factory. But the joke may be on him after all as he may not be able to run after all. See there's this funny little thing where if you want to run for president that you have to pay off your debts incurred in the application process last time before they will front you cash for another. Who'd've thunk it.
And of course, last and certainly least, we have John McCain, the man who can't find a position that he likes on anything. Was he for the war before he was against it? No actually, in fact, it could be the other way around. What difference does it make? The chances of him living long enough to take the oath, never mind fuck up our nation, seem to be getting slimmer and slimmer, regardless of his 92 year old mother or not. He is nothing more than a tired old fart with tired old views and tired old solutions. His administration would be B@$h Co. Part 2, and frankly, our country barely has a Constitution left to manhandle. Of course, campaign finance reform may also play a big factor in the general election. You see, he applied for economic assistance for his campaign back in the early days of his campaign and has to continue to accept it, per a rule he used to support. Therefore he is capped in his fundraising capacity at 20 million from the moment he becomes the Republican candidate, the night of the RNC, until the election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. Of course, with Obama possibly raising as much as 50 million in January and Hillary having raised 36 million herself, 20 million over three months will be interesting to say the least.
Well then about my picks... I say Obama wins the general election by a landslide with John Edwards as his VP. McCain will show how much of an incompetent and shortsighted tired old coot he is. And Hillary will fall into line behind Obama and then fall into the shadows for everyone except N.O.W. who will in all likelihood dedicate a statue to her by the end of next year.
So, that's all for now, more to come soon... of course.
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