Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I've Got It!

Talk about a brain wave... I was sitting around here reading past posts and it came to me finally... and as most things do... right out of thin air...

Predestination is real. The butterfly effect is real. From the beginning, everything was planned and everything was going to happen, even in infinity.

The sole realization however is that we WANT it to happen. People see predestination as what we don't want or are forced into, but it's the OPPOSITE. It's EVERYTHING that we want! Predestination is the physical manifestation in our actions of things we based on our genes and our interactions predetermined with others' genes whose result is also predetermined and WE WANT IT. It doesn't matter if it's predetermined so long as we want it.

I'll have more on this later... I have to think it over some

Also- Gun Laws Logic and a little something else.

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