Did you notice that we've stopped watching "reality tv" and now it's just TV? It still sucks, but now it's lumped together with all the other crappy programs on TV today.
This year is the bikini's 60 anniversary.
There are diurnal owls too.
A street light has been flickering on my street for two months and no one's called to get it fixed for free by the city, but the moment a headlight begins to dim we take our cars to the shop to fix it at cost to us.
Why do bottled waters taste different from each other?
To anyone who ever thought bottled water wasn't a scam. Evian, the name of a brand of bottled water, written backwards spells "naive".
If there's something called "deep space" is there also a "shallow space"? Is it between the ears of our president?
Why do white socks never turn white again after their first use?
The blue dye used in the socks worn by the predecessor to the Boston Red Sox was poisonous and potentially harmful if gotten into wounds.
The first game ever played at Fenway park was the Boston Red Sox versus the New York Islanders (the predecessor to the Yankees). The Red Sox won.
By and large, white baseball players get paid less on average than their minority counterparts.
George Carlin is 69 years old and is taking full advantage of it.
Bill Gates should go pressure the Wal-Mart children for donations to his charity.
Dan Rather was a scapegoat and no one who actually watched CBS Evening News wanted him to step down. Conservatives disgraced the career of a legendary broadcaster and the majority of Americans are going to be fooled by it.
Bill Clinton does not look as healthy as he did when he was killing himself with fast food.
President Bush said he wanted to increase the Pell Grant for college students, but his restructuring of it saved the government 270 million dollars and eliminated 81,000 people from its services.
Lincoln only freed the slaves to win a war.
Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod but refused to patent it saying that it was his gift to the world. And indeed, it is now used worldwide.
In 18th century Boston, if lightning were to strike a building causing it to catch on fire, they would not put the fire out on the building it struck but only on those it spread to calling the lightning strike an act of God.
Google has over 660 million entries for "sex" but only half that for marriage or wedding. Teehee, liberalism rules.
AND 1.34 billion entries for war, just 585 million for peace. (Pathetic isn't it)
The energy of one lightning bolt would power NYC for a year.
Sex relieves depression. Well actually orgasm does, so you could do it yourself if you want. But I see no better excuse to give your unwilling partner.
The Beatles' voices were never as high as they seem on many of their records, they were altered.
Mt. Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world and is getting shorter every day.
What did people do before toilet paper was invented?
Outhouse is a paradox and a pun at the same time.
There are places in India where the population density exceeds 450,000 people per square mile!
And finally... Sex before marriage is not immoral. They just say it is because they aren't getting any.
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