You know, I'm sick and tired of hearing the "patriotism" defense when I argue politics with conservatives. They try to use it as a means of proving they're right about some issue, as if their claiming that I am not patriotic like them will cause me some unbearable shame. I don't care. I am not patriotic right now, but you sure are. Patriotism is pride in one's nation. I do not have pride in this nation right now. This nation is going down the wrong track with Bush. They cloak their deception with the American flag and justify it. The American flag is not an excuse to kill people. It is not an excuse to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It is not an excuse for anything.
Frankly, I find your use of patriotism as a shaming device foolish. I am not a two year old. I do not shame. To quote George Carlin a bit, patriotism is "a big red, white, and blue dick that they shove up our asses." So next time one of you decide to try this stupid, illogical defense, just remember, it has no effect on me.
Here's another one, "moral", as in the moral majority. The way I see it, when it comes to business ethics, we're the ones that are "moral" so stop trying to claim that you are moral.
Likewise, I find Bible toting very ironic. Have you actually read the damn thing? It is quite possibly the single most racist and sexist anthology in publication today. Next time, before you decide to use that defense, take a minute and actually read it.
Another word: technically. In response to the previous, you'll likely say that yes "technically" the Bible is racist and sexist, but only if you take it literally. Oh I see, racism used as a metaphor to teach a lesson.
[This is me pausing to stare at you dumbfoundedly]
So then, the Bible can be interpreted any way that you want to interpret it? So then it has no real value. If that, then the only valid lesson in the Bible is that life is complicated. Let me just say that if you need a book to tell you that, you're pathetic.
Communist. Back in the fifties and sixties a bad connotation was created by people like Joe McCarthy because there was a legitimate fear that the Soviet Union might invade the United States. From there however, the feeling was skewed ( by the Senator). It was propaganda. That capitalism was a great godsend and communism (or socialism) was bad and would not work practically. As a way to unite the country against the Soviets, people like McCarthy and the others in charge of this nation used propaganda to shun communism (as if the domino theory need actually be feared today). Communism is not a plague. It is a series of thoughts, regardless of the interpretations of the beliefs of its "founders", that call for complete equality and complete opportunity. The only difference between communism and the capitalist economy that we claim to have is that the government regulates business. The government makes businesses play fairly. We claim that everyone has an equal chance, but it would be written in law in a communist economy. Now is that really so bad? Some would think so.
And finally, the word "fuck". I don't think people are using it right. It's so common today. Fuck is in our music, in our movies, in our bedrooms (and the bathroom and kitchen sometimes too, unless of course, sex is only for missonary style reproduction, keep the moaning to a minimum, and when the guy's done, its over), basically in our daily lives. So much so sometimes, that we hardly realize that we use it. And, you know what, I don't like how it's used. Of course, I'm not one of those social conservatives that whine about people saying tits or son of a bitch on television. I just think that a word carrying with itself so much force should be used for good and not for bad. Sex is just a start, start using it this way in your everyday life. When you're out and about and see a friend or family member walking towards you just smile and tell him to "go fuck yourself". He'll thank you for it.
Haha Greg and I use that as a joke. I wouldn't actually use in my defense, "Yeah? Well I LOVE America, thanks." Hahaha
It was directed towards Mr. Greg. and not anyone else in particular.
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