So, it's that time of year again, and no I don't mean Christmas. It's the other one. You know, the only other time of the year that you go to Church. Like I'm one to talk about organized religion. But, at least I'm consistent. You in your divine wisdom decide around this time of year that, apparently, your yearly Church-going quota hasn't been filled yet. So you all panic and rush out to the nearest church and get really religious for the next two weeks. The way I see it, if you people are going to be religious at least be a little more through about it. If you want to take that path stop doing it so half-assed. Then again, who am I to tell you what to do. I'm just pointing out a double standard. What gives you people the right to tell me that I'm wrong just because you're a CAPE Catholic or something. (Christmas, Advent, Pentecost, and Easter.) Am I supposed to be impressed? Stupified?
Not just religiously speaking, I think that it's best to try and give something your full attention. I mean, I don't just don't go to church most of the time; I don't go any of the time. I know where I stand. Apparently some of you are confused. I know that sometimes other things come up. But, laziness is not an excuse for anything. So whatever you're beliefs, figure them out and figure them out good. Don't waver, stand firm on what you believe and don't take nothing from anyone about it. You'll feel better about yourself if you do.
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