Monday, July 3, 2006


Well it occurred to me that I do a lot of opinionating here now and again. So below are what I consider to be the top five liberal news outlets online. They are all completely free and available to everyone. On the same train of thought, the links also will now permanently sit on the side bar directly above the Guest Book link.

1. - a personal favorite of mine. With well-written, professional liberal essays, very few ads (all on topic), and a clear mission statement, I find this to be the most accessible, functional, and practical liberal news site online today.

2. - news from all corners of the globe and all subjects, liberal of course. A little difficult to navigate, but well written. Biggest downside- numerous absurd ads.

3. - a vast archive of liberal op-ed's from the likes of Howard Zinn, Cindy Sheehan, and many, many others.

4. - provides numerous links to magazines, newspapers, and other outlets of the liberal leaning. Proves useful for vast quantities of links.

5. - provides a blog service for public debate. Join with your peers and learn a little at the same time.

Well that's it. I figured five would be enough, but there are far more out there. For more links visit this website or do the hip thing and google it:

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