Friday, July 7, 2006

The Bush Beating Around the Bush

I would like to say yes yet again another twisted press conference, but I can't. I could count the number of our President's press conferences on my fingers. You see he talks and talks, yet digging himself deeper into the floor. And I laugh and laugh. Hypocrisy abounds my friends. He won't answer hypothetical questions involving North Korea but will on Iran. Why? Because North Korea is far and away stronger than Iran. We could not in truth run a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and then North Korea. It's not possible. We don't have the money. We don't have the resources. And we most certainly don't have the man power.

Then he talks about how he cares for the people of North Korea. And the AIDS victims in Africa and the refugees of Darfur. Yet our President has cut funding to birth control and sexual education in Africa, the only way to stop AIDS before it starts. All because we should believe in abstinence only techniques. Guess what, adults above children, will not accept abstinence. It's just foolish. Without real education more people will contract AIDS and more money will be needed to help these people later, whether in AIDS drugs or in moneys needed to stabilize the area after an entire generation of men and women die of an insipid disease.

Apparently it is unfair to give a timetable of withdrawal from Iraq, not to our cause, to our troops? That's what he said. Please explain this. Tell me that our troops are smart enough to understand that they are not mechanical puppets but actual people who deserve to be brought home safely, that their lives are their own and not the property of a lackluster, Elmer Fudding Commander and Chief.


"I am committed to the spread of liberty, because that's how we're founded." -President Bush, Press Conference 7-7-06, Chicago.

Personally I don't see why we should force our ways on other people. True we did it ourselves, but that's the point. WE DID IT OURSELVES. We didn't have someone invade our country, strip it of natural resources, and then leave it in disrepair.


And now, our saying that we shouldn't work in Iraq alone is considered elitist by our Commander and Chief. Isn't that cute.


He speaks of "universal rights of men and women" when talking about liberty. Yet we imprison people without trial or evidence, without lawyer and without question. We dive into another's country and pull people out to our secret prisons.


"The cause is noble and necessary."

It is noble to invade other countries to "spread freedom". Well not freedom really, just our brand of it. And in doing so we give up our own rights at home. I don't know about you but I have a different view of what's noble. And what's not noble is war. Then there's necessary, a vague term, very vague, necessary for what. For stability? Surely not. For a radical view of our brand of democracy? Evidently. That's what it is you know. Radical. his view of our democracy is radical bordering on authoritarian. Pathetic.


And last, but not particularly in order, our addiction to oil. I just love it how we people, and you know who we is, talked about outsourcing jobs, oil addiction, global warming, etc. and they didn't believe us. We were quacks. We didn't know what we were talking about. And now, oh wait, we do have an addiction to oil, we are outsourcing jobs, oh and the earth is warming beyond the shadow of a doubt. Yet some radicals still won't believe us.

Ideas travel slowly my friends, very slowly. These things take time, and unlike Bush's strategy in Iraq and North Korea, we will win you over whether you like it or not. In fact, I won't be surprised if yet again you think you came up with it first.

Bush says that we're making progress on energy independence, we are not.

He says we are making progress in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are not.

He says we are making diplomatic progress with Iran and North Korea, we are not. Whatcha gonna do then, invade? Let's look at what's happened in Iraq and Afghanistan first.


Our president is confined by his archaic beliefs and should not be allowed to lead a donkey nevermind our country. The future of our country is liberal, especially compared to his radical, reactionary, democratic-in-name-alone, autocratic values.

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