Sunday, April 30, 2006

One Nation's Hypocrisy

So, today's May 1st, the day of the big immigration rally. Hopefully, it works out well. Although, I can't see how. Our politicians today live by a double standard. It is as follows:

Make it appear like we are helping others when in fact we ourselves are reaping the profits. Help free other people from the oppression of dictators and promote democracy, but don't let them come here in search of it.

When will this country learn to accept others? When will we decide to end the bigotry?

This isn't a matter of national security. It's a matter of security for the rich sons of bitches that control this nation. They fear losing power and those who could take it from them. They are content to leave this nation believing that they have been privileged, that we're better off, that we have something to lose if we rock the boat. Well they're right, we do have something to lose. THEM.

So show your support for our immigrant workers, for without them we haven't a chance to rip this nation from the clutches of multinational corporations and return the seed of democracy to our own lives.

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