Monday, November 14, 2005

Ventings of a Mad Man Pt. 3

To continue my ventings... I've changed my mind. Not on the aforementioned of course, but on what I want to say now. Privacy. Elected officials are people. Law enforcement officers are people. We are people. What gives some people the right to tell other people that they need to give them access to their things? Especially so, who gave them that right when we've done nothing wrong. Are we punishing people before they commit crimes that they weren't going to commit in the first place? Don't get me wrong. I'm all for restricting the rights of people who have broken the law, though only during their sentence period. And, I believe in restricting the rights of people who outrightly appear to be ready to commit a crime (man running with gun down the street, drunk drivers, etc.) But what I don't believe in is restricting the rights of everyone for the sake of capturing the few. I don't want to pass through metal detectors to get into my high school. I don't want to have to carry a national ID card. I will not be told what I can and cannot wear, speak, or think. I do not want my privacy invaded for the sake of eliminating petty crime that I am not a part of in the first place (or even if I was a part of it for that matter(obviously)). Since when have we begun to sink ourselves down to the level of this minority. Are we that frightened for our safety that we are willing to restrict our own freedoms for the sake of a feeling of security? Personally, I believe that everyone should have the right to do whatever they want unless it impedes on the rights of others to do the same. And, if competing actions impede on both parties then neither should be able to do theirs until they figure out how to do them without offending each other. Got it? Safety my ass. The restriction of privacy, of freedoms is a joke. A manifestation of a paranoid sect of society so full of itself and its own intentions that it alienates all others. Without freedom there is no living. Without living, we cease to be.

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