Monday, November 14, 2005

Just a Memory

One night, a long time past,
Stumbling through the darkness,
The cold icy drops of rain
Hitting my face,
As I dragged IT behind me.

Up and down the dunes,
Wet and icy like the wind,
I stumbled on,
Pulling IT behind me.

On and on, I went,
Through the darkness of night.
Still wet,
And icy cold,
Still dragging IT along.

On, and on,
Past the dark pier,
Through even icier gusts now,
Up the hill,
Up into a room of logs.

Off comes the heavy coat,
Onto the rack,
Letting go of IT,
Down by the fire,
Where IT sits,
My very wet dog Rex.

Copyright "As You Like It: As Seen on TV (Special Edition)" 2005.

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