Monday, November 14, 2005

Just Another Note

I'd like to take this time to better describe the description of my blog. If for anyone, for myself.

A forum of the unwillingly two-faced:

Sometimes we feel that we live seperate lifes one internally and one externally. This blog is for those whose internal is screaming for release.

the rantings of a mad man:

Not the rantings of a "madman", I'm not crazy. This is just a place for my maddening thoughts to roam free, a sort of free-range internal zoo.

and the victims of the invisable, indelible systems:

A spelling error, shit. Irregardless, and yes in my mind that is a word (a word is a sound that conveys meaning [and you know what I'm meaning])... Irregardless, in society there are those who have and those who have not. This is true of all societies regardless of design. There is no utopia. This blog is for those of us who have been to the proverbial mountain and come back (for some inexplicable reason) and for those whom life periodically treads on.

for those beaten down, run out...

This is pretty self-explanatory (see also the above)

...scattered into the abcesses of humanity that I like to call the Machiavellian Wasteland.:

I've yet to fully understand the mean of these words (that I created). In time I hope to get a better understanding of the idea.


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