Monday, September 27, 2021

Rantings of a Mad Man Part XXII

The lower you are, the lower your mental state of mind, the higher the likelihood you seek out instant gratification.  It's a self-feeding cycle.

You do nothing intrinsically different now than we did 10,000 years ago.  We wake up, go to work to provide for ourselves and our families, return home, eat, relax and socialize, and continue again the next day.  It is no different in action than walking up, going out hunting or foraging, coming home, eating, and relaxing and socializing before going to bed to do it again the next day.  The basic needs of mankind haven't changed, just the conditions it is undertaken within and the methods we use to do so.

Uniqueness is a product of past experience.

Companies reward executives with more money for more successfully paying workers less money.

The only difference between a social bath with friends and a hot tub party is the appearance of alcohol at the event and of bubbles in the water.

Cheese is essentially rotten and moldy milk.

The ejaculation led to your birth involved a race of 100 million contestants of which you were the winner.  And you only won the race because your parents both individually won their own races.  Therefore, all other factors aside, the odds of you existing as you do today are about 1.0x10^24.  For reference that's about 100,000 times bigger than the number of grains of sand on Earth.  It's also about the same number of stars estimated to exist in the universe.  And that only takes into account yours and your parents' coming to existence and does not account for the hundreds of generations previous, or anything pre-human that evolved into us, or the fact that the Earth existing at all is an extremely unlikely set of odds into and of itself.