Wikipedia-ism is the idea that some information services are unreliable because the content of such sources cannot be controlled by the establishment.
What is fact but truth as it is accepted by the establishment? 2000 years ago, the fact that the earth was flat was undeniable, yet people knew and could prove otherwise.
The idea that doctrine and even thought could be fluid and not a controllable entity scares the establishment, be it governments, religion, or the local 4-H Club. They fear losing control over what we believe. This control is their power and the free exchange of informational "non-fact" can and does threaten the existence and power of the status quo.
Wikipedia-ism will continue for as long as there is someone in power who does not want to share it with others. That power is the ability to choose fact. In my opinion, we should all be able to choose fact for ourselves. Of course, we will not always get it right, but then again neither do they now get it right all the time. Quite the contrary it seems. So, let us all decide for ourselves what is fact and then let us keep it to ourselves. Do not go out and try to convert others. Do not belittle them. Or threaten them. Do not start wars over your beliefs. Do not kill for your ideals.
If you want to say the world is flat, so be it. But if you hang the next three people to disagree, we're going to have a bit of a problem. Do away with doctrine. If you want to live in a monarchy then do so. You are the monarch and you are your sole subject. If I want democracy then let me have my democracy. I will not try to conquer you and instill my values on you. All I ask is that you do the same.
It is high time that we as a nation learn to leave each other well enough alone. If you want to hate me then go on hate me. But leave me well enough alone. Keep your hate to yourself. Let it fester and rot and make you miserable. It is your right to be miserable if you want. But it is not your right to make me miserable. Life is a two way street. Get the picture?