Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

I just think it's funny how we curtail "good will to all men" and so forth to a predetermined period of time each year. Naturally, it comes at the end of the year, when we've all finished our blood-sucking and greedious endeavors for the year. It's a time to kick back and absorb the well wishes of your fellow man.

Yet, that's too cold. I'll try and remain optimistic. Pessimism is best left for the other 11 months of the year. But December, oh that's a horse of a different color all together! When I think about it, the holiday season only means two things to me: Presents and peace and quiet. (So what if that's three things; it's two concepts. And who's writing this thing, you or me?)

Presents and peace and quiet.

Now I'm not being cynical again. Let me explain. During this season we are taught to set our differences aside and put up with relatives that we ordinarily wouldn't / couldn't. We are supposed to be kind and cordial to everyone. The holidays don't mean that to me. Hard as it may seem to some, I try to do so year round. Sure I joke around, but harmlessly in intent.

That said I'd like to bring the other holiday tradition up. Religion. I just have to laugh at those people who go to religious observances only during the holidays. God bless them. Seriously. They've more patients than I've got. Don't get me started with organized religion. Then again, who am I to say what's right and wrong for others. I only know what's wrong for me. And, organized religion is bad for me. I believe complete freedom. I don't want to be told what to believe. And, my God accepts that.

So in the spirit of the holiday season I'd like to extend a welcome to my table for all those who I seem to have pissed off this year. So here's my list:

Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Republicans, Communalists, Populists, Catholics, Christians, God, Jesus, Ann Coulter, Dubya, Our High Exalted Leader Richard Cheney, Tom DeLay, Ted Stevens, Organized Religion, Catholic Schools, the Weatherman, Satan, UFO's everywhere, Michael Jackson, Brittany Spears, and anyone who has ever been forced to give or accept (??) a blumpkin.

Likewise I'd like to apologize for stupid comments illtimedly made, ridiculous statements later and forever regretted, anything I've ever said against friends or family members in the heat of the moment or otherwise, and anything I've ever said (and I know that there's a lot) that has annoyed, offended, disgusted, or otherwise made uncomfortable the life of another person I care about.

With that all said I would like to add one more point. I don't hold grudges and I always forgive. So consider everything anyone has ever said to me (barring one 19-year-long exception that'll take some time to work on) and everything everyone has ever done to me (again barring the same exception) completely and permanently forgiven. Next year I want to start anew and I hope that you'll all do the same.

So, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and fulfilling New Year. God Bless.

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